


Brands with prominent market presence are constantly being challenged by counterfeiters and reputational and financial burden from these risks weigh heavily on these companies. Encouraged by globalization and a surge in consumer demand, the global share of trade in counterfeit and pirated goods has been growing significantly and is most likely to continue to grow in the future. As such, a company’s success greatly relies on its ability to protect its IP assets.

It is not easy for consumers to detect counterfeit products and placement of fraudulent goods on the internet poses a new and bigger business risk to IP owners. Most of the e-commerce platforms fail to monitor counterfeits which makes the enforcement of IP rights more difficult, requiring effective and coordinated protection of IP rights to fight against such crimes. The aim of infringers is to exploit brands and profit off of them, and our aim at PI IP LAW is to deter and prevent them from counterfeiting our client’s products.

For any company, building strong and enforceable brand IP rights is one effective way to deter infringement risks, but it does not make them completely immune to such risks. Counterfeiters from different industries are constantly changing their tactics and creating new opportunities for criminal networks. To respond against these crimes, our experienced attorneys offer strategic counseling on protecting IP assets in danger while also setting preemptive measures before being directly affected by such IP crimes.

Our Expertise

To properly combat counterfeit, it is in the client’s best interest to receive an all-encompassing and coordinated service. We have many years of experience in providing a full suite of Anti-counterfeiting services in South Korea such as Custom Monitoring Service where we report relevant trademark registrations for the purpose of early detection and monitoring of any counterfeits or infringement of the client’s trademark. Moreover, we are tactful and resourceful in collecting evidence to support our client’s claims, even in cases where proving the damage of such crimes can be extremely difficult and challenging.

As pioneers in the IP industry, we quickly grasp various industry trends and provide timely and insightful counsel. Trademark rights of various social media platforms are exposed to unique and unfamiliar types of counterfeit issues, and social media is one area where we showcase our ability the best as legal pioneers.

As the legal counsel of a burgeoning social media platform, we have successfully tackled their trademark dilution issue and combatted false claims of business relations. With the growing recognition of their trademarks, business owners from irrelevant markets and industries began to use their brand logos and names. Such illegal usage of our client’s brand remarkably decreased the distinctiveness of their registered marks, and we confronted these counterfeiters by sending C&D letters and thoroughly exhausting the dilution issue. We also promptly responded to false reports of misrepresented business relations involving our client, by contacting the media directly and warning them of their breach of the Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade Secret Protection Act.

We always offer the best countermeasures against infringers which lead to bringing desired outcomes to our clients. With the goal to best represent our clients and ensure multifaceted protection of their valuable assets, we constantly strive to develop optimal solutions and devise viable plans which can bring instant and long-term results.

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