Our Firm News

PI IP LAW is Participating in AIPPI World Congress 2023



Meet PI IP LAW at the upcoming AIPPI 2023 World Congress in Istanbul. AIPPI is one of the world's largest intellectual property associations and a major event for professionals. It is scheduled to be held in Istanbul from 22 to 25 October 2023 to discuss trends and developments in IP law.

The AIPPI is one of the largest intellectual property associations, and its world congress is the premier event for IP professionals from around the world. We are honored to be participating in this year's event, and we look forward to meeting with our colleagues to discuss the latest trends and developments in IP law.


The congress will be held from October 22-25, 2023 at the Hilton Istanbul Bomonti Hotel & Conference Center. This year, our founding partner Gunhong Park will be attending along with Claudia Corvalan, Technical Advisor and Ph.D., who are very excited to participate again and meet colleagues around the world. They will also be available to meet with interested parties to discuss their IP needs.

If you are attending AIPPI and are interested in scheduling a meeting with us, please contact us via piip@piip.co.kr or use our social media links to contact us directly. We look forward to seeing you in Istanbul!


Other Links: https://www.linkedin.com/company/pi-ip-law-lee-park-and-associates


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