Artificial Intelligence & Software

Building the Spatial Web - Interview with VRCREW’s CEO Mr. Sung Kwang Choi

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VRCREW, a leader in spatial computing, is building the future with their high-precision VPS technology. Learn more about VRCREW's groundbreaking work and their participation in our IP SCALE UP program in our interview!

VRCREW, a young and ambitious company established in 2020, is rapidly making waves in the field of spatial computing. Their innovative approach, centered around high-precision Visual Positioning System (VPS) technology, is blurring the lines between the physical and digital worlds. Today, we have the pleasure of speaking with VRCREW’s CEO, Mr. Sung Kwang Choi, to gain insights into their vision and groundbreaking work.

Bridging the Physical and Digital: The power of VRCREW's Technology.

VPS, often called the next-generation GPS, plays a critical role in VRCREW’s advancements. Unlike traditional GPS which is limited to outdoor use, VPS thrives indoors and even underground. It achieves this remarkable feat by harnessing the power of computer vision, enabling precise device localization with an accuracy of just one centimeter, even using a single query image. This unparalleled position capability unlocks a new frontier in spatial computing, where the virtual and real worlds seamlessly converge. 


Beyond VPS: The Spatial Computing OS.


VRCREW's vision extends beyond just VPS. They're actively developing a groundbreaking spatial computing OS. Imagine an operating system specifically designed to manage and orchestrate all the elements within a spatial computing environment. This OS would act as the central nervous system, allowing users and devices to interact with virtual objects seamlessly integrated into the real world. VRCREW's OS has the potential to revolutionize industries like manufacturing, healthcare, and entertainment, fundamentally changing how we work, learn, and play.


VRCREW's Recognition of Excellence.


VRCREW's groundbreaking work has recently been recognized with the first-ever public certification for high-precision VPS technology awarded by the Korea Testing Laboratory (KTL). This achievement represents a significant milestone in the field of spatial computing and underscores VRCREW's commitment to developing industry-leading solutions.


Q: Mr. Choi, in your previous interviews, you discussed the concept of "software as material and space as the internet." Can you elaborate on this concept and how VR CREW's technology contributes to its realization? 

A:  Absolutely. In the simplest terms, a “digital twin” is essentially the new internet. Think of it as an AI that requires a digital twin connection to function, similar to a PC needing an internet connection. Our focus is on making digital twins the foundation for next-generation computing.


An schematic representation of  the 3 layers of the spatial web based on Deloitte Insights

When digital twins become the fundamental infrastructure for next-generation computing, all static objects can transform into “SDx” (Software Defined Anything/Everything). This is the essence of “software as material.” Additionally, every object will be assigned a unique address (similar to an internet address), enabling them to interact with each other through digital twins. This lays the groundwork for an Internet of Real World (IoRW), taking the Internet of Things (IoT) to a whole new level where physical space itself becomes the Internet. This is what we mean by “space as the internet.”


Q: As a technology-driven company, innovation is paramount to VRCREW's success. How do you perceive the value of patents (IP) in protecting your innovations and ensuring VRCREW's continued technological leadership?

A: While some may believe certain technologies are exclusive, I see it differently. Technology is often invisible until it’s realized. Once brought to life, even those lacking imagination can grasp the concept, and eventually, others can follow. 


For example, before Paganini’s virtuoso performance on a violin with almost all its strings broken (link to Paganini video), the idea was unimaginable. Even though technically possible, it wasn’t considered because it defied common sense. However, after Paganini’s groundbreaking performance, many replicated his feat. 

Many IT technologies follow a similar pattern. Innovations that have not yet been invented aren’t impossible; they merely seem irrational, taken seriously only by science fiction writers. 


However, in the world of technology, it’s like the Oklahoma Land Rush, where securing your claim early and establishing yourself as a leader is crucial. Just as pioneers raced to claim land in the American West, in the fast-paced gold rush of technological advancement, securing your territory and leaving your name behind is everything. Unlike Paganini’s revolutionary violin technique, which unfortunately wasn’t patented (laughs), protecting your technological breakthroughs with patents is essential for ensuring your company remains at the forefront. 

Q: VRCREW has been participating in PI IP LAW’s IP SCALE UP program for the last two years. Did it provide valuable insights or resources to help VRCREW develop and refine its overall IP strategy?  

A: Absolutely. The program’s emphasis on “meta-awareness” (maybe it’s important almost everywhere, not just in business) is invaluable. It helps us understand not only our current position and actions but also where we’re headed and why. The IP SCALE UP program goes beyond just a map; its full-package services provide a compass for navigating this crucial aspect of business. Of course, it also provides a bunch of sharp stakes. 

Q: Following up on the IP SCALE UP program, What specific benefits did you gain from this program in terms of managing your growing and complex intellectual property portfolio? 


A: The IP SCALE UP program provided several concrete benefits for managing our IP portfolio. Firstly, it helped us achieve a significant quantitative leap. Through the program, we have amassed a total of 36 significant registered patents (and 60 more under examination). This is a remarkable achievement, considering it's 1.5 times more than the number of patents held by the leading domestic company in this field at the time of their IPO, a company that has been operating for 14 years. For a startup that had only been established for 4 years, achieving this rapid growth would have been much more challenging without the guidance and resources offered by IP SCALE UP.


Secondly, the program ensured qualitative growth alongside quantitative growth. We weren't simply accumulating patents; we were strategically building a robust "patent web." The IP SCALE UP program emphasized the importance of meticulous planning. All our patents were carefully designed to cover specific areas of our roadmap, and they all interconnect and reference each other, creating a comprehensive and cohesive intellectual property landscape.


Q: Intellectual property portfolios are dynamic and require ongoing evaluation. How satisfied are you with the current scope and coverage of VRCREW’s intellectual property portfolio?

It’s incredible and beyond words. However, the desire for improvement is constant. I hope I'll be satisfied forever.


Q: Considering the partnership with PI IP LAW. What aspects of PI IP LAW’s services have been most positive and impactful for VRCREW? 


A: You know, even after two years in the IP SCALE UP program, I might sound a bit foolish looking back. When I first decided to join the program, the patent system seemed like a complex maze, especially for a young startup like ours that had only been around for two years. Honestly, I didn’t really understand it at all. But I had a strong gut feeling that there was a whole world out there that I didn’t know about, and I wanted to learn more about, and be a part of it.

Two years later, I realize that I would never have known about this world if I hadn't made that bold decision to join the program. I think the most important part of the PI IP LAW service is that it helps founders understand the true meaning of patents through frequent discussions and deep involvement. Their guidance had a positive impact on VRCREW. 

We at PI IP LAW are excited to see how VRCREW's technology shapes the future, and we encourage any company looking to navigate the complexities of intellectual property to learn more about our IP SCALE UP program. 






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